Entrepreneurial Training

Entrepreneurial Training

An entrepreneurial training was organised by Babcock University in collaboration with Loyola Marymount University, California.

Babcock University in partnership with Loyola Marymount University, California, USA held an Entrepreneurial Mind-Set Training held at Babcock University between 6th and 10th of January, 2020.
Training was declared opened by the President/Vice Chancellor and the Senior Vice President Academics. The two master trainers were Dr. Alexander Glosenberg from Loyola Marymount University and Dr. Paul Steffens from University of Adelaide, Australia.
The first 2 days, Monday & Tuesday involved training the trainer workshop where 25 faculty members from Babcock University participated. From Wednesday to Friday, the new trainers were involved in training entrepreneurs where forty seven entrepreneurs from the Southern Western Nigeria participated in the training.
During the workshop, trainers and subsequently entrepreneurs were trained on personal initiative (PI) skills necessary for
business success. The skills are self starting, future thinking and overcoming barriers. Each of these skills were discussed exhaustively with practical examples. To be successful, an entrepreneur must be able to initiate an action by identifying opportunities and developing ideas that can change his environment.
Furthermore, the entrepreneur must be future thinking by always being a step or more ahead of his competitors and finally he must overcome challenges through creativity and innovation.
At the end of the training, both trainers and entre-preneurs were presented with certificate of participation. Trainers were also certified as personal initiative trainers.