
Babcock University’s reputation for whole person education, it’s incredible history of being the pioneer private university in Nigeria, and the torchbearer of quality from this sector, its commitment to building standards and raising the bar of excellence could only have been possible because of her core values that aggregates integrity, transparency, team spirit,servant-leadership, intellectual freedom and responsibilities and of course, Adventist heritage. 

Babcock University is readily associated with student-centered Christian community providing an academically challenging education that empowers people of diverse backgrounds to engage and transform the world with disciplined intelligence, compassion,courage and faith. This gave rise to our strap line**** the future is bright.

The beautiful campus reflects a long, rich history that dates back to sixty years ago. Its student body is diverse and unique, and the University continues on a journey of constant improvement, while assuring students who choose to learn and grow in this extraordinarily ordained institution that they are receiving absolutely the best educational experience possible.

I welcome you on board this train of academic and professional journey. As you apply and tailor your studies along the stipulations in this bulletin, be assured of a training that geared to train the whole person, adequate, responsive and relevant to the emerging trends in the labour market........the future is bright!!!!!