Postgraduate Studies

Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences

Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences is one of the three Schools created out of the Old Babcock Business School and renamed College of Management and Social Sciences in September 2015.

Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences is made up of the following departments:-


-        Department of Economics

-        Department of Mass Communication

-        Department of Political Science

-        Department of Social Work


Building social scientists who are responsive and responsible servant leaders.


To establish and provide a cultural, ethical and intellectual environment for incubating and developing democratic and public interest focused civic citizenship, through multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary teaching and research, whose objective is preeminently to establish and nurture strong links and social networks between town and gown, and training of future generations of community, intellectual and political leadership.


Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences is founded on the principles of service to God and humanity for which Babcock University is known.  The School will train high calibre, socially committed students, teachers and researchers who will bring an independent, critical and analytical approach to the explorations of the understanding and resolution of critical social problems.  Nigerian and international society are plagued by a deficiency of morally and intellectually sound leadership and critical citizenry which have hampered development, democracy and social advancement.  Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences recognizes this need and hopes to reestablish the strong links between town and gown that will see the solution to these challenges.  The School will emphasize and promote multi- and trans-disciplinary approaches that bridges science and policy, places a high premium on freedom and responsibility, and produces a generation of leaders of integrity, sound mind and the critical innovation for the lasting transformation for this world, in preparation for the next.

Admissions Requirement