• Institutional Research
  • Institute for Faith Integration
  • Empowerment
  • Publications and Reports
  • ICT/Technical Matters
  • Administration, Line and Logistics
  • Quality Assurance and Control

Institutional Research

a) Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness (SRTE)
b) Teacher of the Year Award
c) Staff of the Year Award
d) Other BU internal research (e. g Exit Survey, BU Core Values, Faith Integration, Empowerment Programs. General Conference is very much interested in these areas, and has faulted us for their absence)
e) Pocket Statistics

f) Reports

Institute for Faith Integration

a)Workshops, Seminars, Symposia on Faith Integration
b) International Conference for Faith Integration (ICFI)
c) International Community for Faith Integration (ICFI)
d) International Journal for Faith Integration (IJFI)
i. Interface/ Desk Duties
ii. Formatting and Upload
e) SDA Accreditation

i. Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA)
ii. International Board of Education (IBE) related matters

f) Reports


a)University- Wide Colloquia
b)Annual General Orientation
c) Orientation for New Employees
d) Orientation for BUTH staff
e) Orientation for New Students
f) Orientation for Provost, Deans, HODs and Course Advisors
g) Orientation for BUSA Executives
h) Orientation for NAAS Officials
i) Orientation for JUPEB and Pre-degree students
j) Orientation for Corps Members

k) Orientation for level 13 and above
l) Orientation for Food Handlers
m) Orientation for Residents Hall Workers
n) Orientation for Front Desk Officers
o) Orientation for Security Officers
p) Teacher's Workshop
q) Interdisciplinary Seminars
r) Other Orientation Programs as needed
s) Reports

Publications and Reports

a) BU Annual Institutional Reports
b) University Fact Book
c) University Directory
d) ANCHOR Newsletter

e) OIE Yearly Reports
f) Events’ Report
g) Brochures and leaflets
h) Report

ICT/Technical Matters

a) Office equipment (Storage, maintenance, tracking, movement in and out of event venues, lending, and recording)
b) Design, upload, maintenance of all Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) webpages: OIE, Institute for Faith Integration, International Community for Faith Integration (ICFI)
c) Power-point presentations for all workshops, orientations, symposia, etc.
d) Announcements/Information on electronic bill boards

e) Online Publicity of events
f) Materials upload (articles, presentations, etc.)
g) International Journal for Faith Integration (IJFI) [publication format and upload]
h) Electronic Filling
i) Other ICT/Technical issues as needed

Administration, Line and Logistics

a)Academic Calendar (monitoring/observations/conflict resolutions, clearing)
b) Turnitin Issues
c) ICT
d) Filing
e) Academic Field Experiences
f) Event Logistics
g) Staff/Student Issues
h) Office Requisition

i) Appointment scheduling
j) Evaluation of new teacher candidates (scheduling)
k) Mandatory Community Service
l) Merit and Demerit Issues
m) Budget Issues
n) Dispatches


a)Facilities, Health, and Safety
b)Products and Supplies
c)Environment and Services

Quality Assurance and Control is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the university quality services and products are maintained. The goal is to monitor for synergy in departments, in relation to products, services, health and safety. This will be achieved through the following structures in the office of Quality Assurance and Control: Facilities, Health and Safety, Products and Services, Environment and Services, Academic quality, and Departmental Quality Assurance and Control Liaisons.

Continuous determination toward high quality in service delivery.

Ensure adequate regulation and monitoring of standards in the area of academics, goods and services for excellent result

Quality Assurance comprises of the following units:
1. Facilities, Health and Safety: The unit is responsible for monitoring implementation of applicable standards related to facilities development, use and maintenance. It also checks effectiveness in the management of health and security quality of the university.
2. Products and Supplies: The unit provides the university with useful information to determine high quality in products and supplies management. This involves quality of products, quantity, cost, and the terms of delivery.
3. Environment and Services: This office works with relevant department in ensuring quality welfare services for both students and employees. It also makes sure that there is compliance with environmental management standards (excellent hygiene, pollution and erosion control), and promotes a conducive working culture.
4. Academic Quality: This unit assists in monitoring academic-related activities (teaching, learning, examinations, etc.) and consults with relevant departments/supervisors to ensure that the required conditions are favourable for teachers and students.
5. Departmental Quality Assurance & Control Liaison: They are responsible for monitoring compliance on quality at the departmental levels. They receive instructions from the central Quality Assurance and Control department, act on them, and report.